Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First malaria proof mosquito. DNA vs Disease.

The gene that helps regulate a mosquito's immune system is also linked to those that determine the insects life span.
Researchers have exploited this connection ot fight malaria: the parasite that causes the disease needs more than a week to gestate inside the insect, so shortening the mosquito's two week life span could futher reduce human infections.

Researchers have engeneeredmosqito's that are 100% immune to Plasmoduim, the primary single cell organism that causes malaria in humans.

Michael Riehle, entomologist at the university of Arizona in conjuction with scientists from the unversity of California, boosts the insects resistance by introducing genetic material into the mosquito's eggs- which in turn, prompts increased produvtion of the enzyme capable of warding off the parasite.
This process however involves altering only one DNA molecule in the insects gnome, the outcome is easier to control.
Riehle says that millions of mosquito's would have to be released to spread the new gene, and not knowing how it will function outside of lab conditions.
Because plasmodium is becoming resistant to drugs, transgenic mosquito's could be an attractive alternative in Africa, where pharmaceuticals are failing.
In conclusion Riehle says that more controlled testing is needed to gaurd against unintende consequence.
For more information on this feat read the news story "First malaria proof mosquito" on

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