Friday, February 18, 2011

What you can do to improve your home’s energy efficiency

Aside from re-equipping your house with all of the latest energy efficient appliances, there are a few simple steps that you can take to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Switch off the lights when you leave the room.

Turn your television, entertainment centre and computer off at the wall instead of leaving them in stand-by mode.

Use the cold water wash option on your washing machine; alternatively you can lower the temperature setting from 60°C to 30°C and save up to 50% on your laundry energy consumption.

Set your geyser at 60°C and cover it with a geyser blanket for maximum efficiency (this alone can save you up to R275 on your energy bill).

Switch to low energy light bulbs for energy efficient lighting.

Give your tumble dryer a rest and your laundry a breath of fresh air.

Insulate your ceilings.

Use an electric blanket on cold winter nights instead of a room heater.

Pre-emptive energy efficiency

The easiest way to guarantee energy efficiency is to start at the very beginning – with construction. Green building practices have taken off internationally with whole towns being designed to be as energy efficient as possible. In developing countries and areas where power supply is an issue (such as large portions of South Africa), incorporating energy efficiency in the building design is one of the most important ways to improve the standard of living.

Sometimes the simplest strategy is the best and this theory holds true for the design of energy efficient homes and buildings. Location is important as surrounding hills and trees can play a role in regulating light and temperature, as can the strategic placement of windows. White houses are cooler and more energy efficient than dark houses, with roof colour playing a particularly important role in heat regulation and energy efficiency.

Benefit from energy efficiency

A simple energy efficiency strategy will enable you to cut your energy bill by up to 50%, so you can save money and the environment at the same time.

Contact today to upgrade to more energy efficient appliances, alternatively you can chat to our energy efficiency experts to find out more about the benefits of using sustainable and renewable energy.

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